Bracelets measure about 6.5" long (the knotted portion) with about an inch of string on either side to allow for tying. I will just send bracelets randomly as donations come in, unless you specifically request (just shoot me an e-mail) a certain color. Bracelets can either come in single colors (as pictured to the left) or with two different colors (as pictured below).

In addition to being a full-time student, I do have a job on campus. I also do several other things to earn money (like signing up to be a guinea pig in all of the psychology studies on campus, babysitting, selling random stuff on e-Bay, etc.). I do everything that I can to earn money when I am not in class or studying. The mountain of debt does not exist due to lack of an effort to earn money on my part.
Why can't you just ask your parents for money?
My parents do not know that I am in debt. I have applied for multiple credit cards all on my own. They think that the money that I make from my job is enough to cover all of my books and other expenses. I have not asked them for the money to pay for my books/miscellaneous expenses because a. they already pay a sizeable portion of my tuition and b. they are having financial troubles of their own.

I was initially going to ask for just $1 from 10,000 people. However, when I decided to include the wish bracelet, I realized that I would make no money trying to sell them for $1 each. I had to factor in the cost of an envelope, a stamp, and the string needed to make the bracelet. If you want a wish bracelet, I am asking that you give $2 (but yes, it is possible to just donate $1 and not receive a bracelet).
Why are you anonymous? Should I believe that you are real?
I am anonymous because I do not want my parents to know that I am this far in debt at such a young age. They've got enough to worry about. Furthermore, I just so happen to go to school with a bunch of very affluent kids who I have enough trouble relating to as is. Publicizing my money troubles is just not something that I feel comfortable doing. If you feel uncomfortable donating, that is perfectly okay. I would love it if you would at least let a friend know about 10,000 Wishes. Spreading the word is just as valuable to me as donating.
How can I advertise on your site?
For $10, I will add a button advertising your website/blog/online store. Just send me an e-mail with a description of what you would like to advertise in the sidebar. If you already have a button, please include it in the e-mail. If you would like me to create a button for your site to add to the sidebar, please let me know.